Sono adatto a fare un trapianto di capelli?

I pazienti che decidono di sottoporsi a un trapianto di capelli devono prima esaminare l'idoneità al trapianto di capelli. È determinato da due parametri di base per pazienti di sesso maschile e tre per pazienti di sesso femminile?

1. Idoneità in base all'area donatrice

Cos'è l'area donatrice?

L'area del donatore è il nome dato alla regione in cui i peli più forti e sani vengono prelevati dai follicoli da impiantare nel trapianto di capelli. L'area del donatore si riferisce alla regione che si estende dal collo alle due orecchie.

Come viene determinata l'area da estrarre?

L'altezza della zona donatrice inizia generalmente a pochi cm sopra la nuca e continua fino all'area in cui la caduta dei capelli raggiunge. La larghezza viene determinata in base alla struttura dei capelli del paziente fino a quando l'area sopra le orecchie diventa debole e radi.

Impara la pronuncia Come determinare il numero di follicoli piliferi da estrarre?

Il primo parametro nel determinare il numero di follicoli piliferi da trapiantare è il numero di follicoli piliferi che possono essere prelevati dall'area donatrice in modo sano. L'area del donatore si basa sulla struttura dei capelli del paziente, sul numero di follicoli piliferi necessari per il trapianto, sulla regione in cui arriva la perdita e sulla densità dei capelli sull'orecchio e sulla forza dei follicoli piliferi. In base a questi parametri, il medico determina il numero massimo di innesti che possono essere estratti senza danneggiare l'area del donatore. Mentre il numero di follicoli piliferi che possono essere prelevati dall'area del donatore può essere ampiamente determinato sulla consultazione online, il numero netto sarà determinato solo dopo una consultazione medica faccia a faccia.

Se il numero da estrarre non è determinato correttamente, che tipo di negatività può portare?

Nel determinare questo numero, il medico mira a impiantare il numero massimo di follicoli piliferi, ma allo stesso tempo deve decidere prestando attenzione a non danneggiare l'area del donatore. Altrimenti, esiste il rischio di distruzione dei tessuti e lacune visibili nell'area del donatore.

È possibile estrarre da diverse parti del corpo?

È possibile estrarre dalle aree della barba e del torace. Come team di HairExpert, abbiamo estratto i follicoli dal torace e dalle regioni della barba per molti pazienti la cui area donatrice è inadeguata. Tuttavia, non è possibile garantire il tasso di successo di questo trapianto di capelli. La compatibilità strutturale dei capelli trapiantati e dei capelli esistenti a causa della possibilità che questi follicoli possano avere un carattere diverso.

What is the relationship between the area to be implanted and the donor area?

There is a one-to-one relationship between the area to be implanted and the donor area. For example, if the donor area of the patient is not wide enough or frequency is not sufficient and has a very large balding area, since the number of roots that can be transplanted will be low, the area that can be covered and the frequency of hair are directly affected.

Can the entire balding area be closed with the follicle extraction from the donor area?

After consultation with HairExpert doctors, if the donor area is sufficient and the approval of the donor area can be healed in a healthy way after the operation, follicle extraction and implantation are done for each patient to close the balding area as densive as possible. If there is not enough roots in the donor area or the balding area is too large, it may not be possible to close the entire balding area. In this case, an intensive implantation should be done to the front line by diluting to the crown area.

Am I suitable for hair transplantation according to the condition of my donor area?

You can predict the suitability for hair transplantation in the light of this information. With our online pre-consultation application, you can determine the number of hair follicles you need by selecting your shedding type or you can forward your photos to our experts. Then our experts will help you to get the number of follicles that can be taken from your donor area.

2. Suitability According to the Health Conditions

Is hair transplantation done for HIV patients?

Inside of the HairExpert facility, implantation is not performed to the HIV patients.

Is hair transplantation done for hepatitis patients?

Hair transplantation is not performed to hepatitis C patients. For hepatitis B patients, implanting can be done with special protective equipment. Hepatitis does not affect the result of the hair transplantation positively or negatively.

Can hair transplantation be performed for diabetic patients?

Diabetes patients should use their medication regularly before the operation. If they have had problems with wound healing before, they should share this with the HairExpert doctors during the consultation. Blood sugar should be below 150 before hair transplantation. The patient should rest before the operation, hair transplantation process should be performed after resting in case of long journey and insomnia. The hair transplantation of diabetic patients should be started in the morning and should not be performed on holidays.

Is hair transplantation done to cardiac patients?

Heart transplantation can be done if cardiologists of the cardiac patients write the permission letter for having the operation. If there are any drugs that need to be interrupted because of the drugs to be used during the process, the approval should have been taken from the cardiologist. It is only necessary to discontinue the blood thinner 5 days before the hair transplant operation. The use of other drugs is not an obstacle to hair transplantation processes.

Is hair transplantation done for psoriasis patients?

Hair can be transplanted to psoriasis patients, but it can only be processed with the consent of the dermatologist as this may carry the risk of activating the disease.

Is hair transplantation possible for hypertension patients?

Hypertension patients should use their medication regularly before surgery.Hypertension patients should use their medication regularly before the surgery. They should bring their medicines with them.They should bring their medicines with them. Hair transplantation can be done in hypertension patients provided that the blood pressure values ​​are below 140/90 in the last measurements made before hair transplantation. Hair transplantation process should be performed after resting in case of long journey and insomnia. Hair transplantation operations of the hypertension patients should be started in the morning and should not be performed on holidays.

Is hair transplantation done for goiter patients?

Goitre patients should have a test before having a hair transplantation and hair transplantation should be done if there is no problem in their values. If there is a problem with the test values, hair transplantation can be done only one month after the fixation of these values. There is a possibility of premature hair loss in goiter patients.

Is hair transplantation done for epilepsy patients?

Hair transplantation can be done on the condition that a letter is taken from the doctor that it does not prevent the hair transplantation. Hair transplantation should be performed under sedation against the risk of attacks.

Can hair be transplanted to seborrheic dermatitis patients?

Seborrheic dermatitis patients cannot have the hair transplantation in the active period of the disease. If the disease is active after the hair transplantation, it is necessary to be checked and treated by the dermatologist.

Can hair be transplanted to patients with lichen planus?

Hair transplantation is not recommended. Hair transplantation can only be performed with the approval of the Dermatologist, as the operation may fail after the operation and the disease may increase.

Can hair be transplanted to Cushing patients?

Hair transplantation can be done if the doctor writes a letter that is showing the that hormone values ​​have returned to normal.

Can hair be transplanted to vitiligo patients?

Hair can be transplanted to patients with vitiligo, but this can lead to the spread of vitiligo. Therefore, it can only be processed with the approval of the dermatologist.

Can hair be transplanted to those who have fungal infection on the scalp?

Patients with fungal scalp problems can only be transplanted when the fungus is not effective on the scalp. Because of the effects of drugs used in the treatment of fungal infection on the scalp, the possibility of failure is higher than in normal hair transplantation.

3. Special condition for female patients

Hair loss in female patients may be related to blood and hormone values. For this reason, female patients are not taken to hair transplantation without having the necessary blood and hormone measurements taken and presenting them to the opinion of HairExpert doctors via consultants. This is due to the fact that hair loss in women is due to blood and hormone values, that hair can be recovered without the need for hair transplantation, and that the hair transplantation process may not be effective because of these values.